Konference pozemkové úpravy a voda v krajině

Thank you for your support in 2023

The year has come and gone and we would like to thank all of our project supporters.
January 1, 2024

The year has come and gone and we would like to thank all the supporters of our projects. It has been a good year during which we have been able to continue to engage in our non-profit activities and attend interesting events and enjoyable events we have been able to organize.

At the same time, we would like to wish you all a successful start to the new year.

We wish you all the best and thank you for continuing to join us in helping wherever there is a need.

The Board of Directors and the team of the non-profit organization Horizont HG 2014

We want to be where we are needed and to give a helping hand

WaterReport v Africe oslavil 10 let, končí a posouvá se do své nové etapy

Projekt monitoringu vodních zdrojů v Etiopii pomáhal s Člověkem v tísni.

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Thank you for your support in 2023

The year has come and gone and we would like to thank all of our project supporters.

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WaterReport celebrates 10 years in Africa

Water monitoring project in Ethiopia helped People in Need.

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We cooperate with

The companies we cooperate with